06/06/14 | 14:30

Discussion: ”Poland on the global chess board – The next 25 years of Polish foreign policy”

Bartosz Węglarczyk – journalist and TV presenter, deputy editor–in–chief of “Rzeczpospolita”
Roman Kuźniar – Polish political scientist, diplomat, former director of the Polish Institute of International Affairs, advisor to the polish president for international affairs

Moderator: Adam Balcer, Demos Europa

Central Museum of Textiles Lodz, Piotrkowska Street, 282

Discussion: ”Poland on the global chess board – The next 25 years of Polish foreign policy”

Roman Kuźniar

A Polish political scientist, diplomat, former director of the Polish Institute of International Affairs, advisor to the polish president for international affairs

Discussion: ”Poland on the global chess board – The next 25 years of Polish foreign policy”

Bartosz Węglarczyk

A journalist and TV presenter, deputy editor–in–chief of "Rzeczpospolita"